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How to Make Your Move as Low-Stress as Possible

Moving is an exciting time in anyone's life, but it can also be the most stressful. You have to keep track of so much while you're uprooting your whole life. You're not alone – moving rates went up nearly 15% during the pandemic, meaning more households than ever were finding new places to live and dealing with the stress of changing their lives.

With the world constantly changing, you need to feel confident in at least one thing – and you can, by making your move as stress-free as possible.

What to Do Before You Move Out

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All the attention is on your other home right now, but you still have a few things to do in your current home. Follow these tips to know some of the most important things you should do before moving out for good.

1. Check Every Room

Before you leave, you want to check every room to ensure you haven't forgotten anything essential. With most or all of your furniture packed away, this final sweep should be a breeze. You shouldn't expect to find anything left behind, but in case you did pass over something, you still have the opportunity to grab it.

If you're moving out of a rented location, be sure to take pictures of the unit once you've packed all your things up, just as you should have done when you first moved in to assess the conditions. Doing so can help you communicate with your former landlord in the future if a dispute arises. It can also protect you from having to pay for damage, provided it wasn’t there when you moved out.

2. Arrange for Moving Services

Unless you plan to take multiple trips to move everything on your own, you may need to rely on the help of a moving service. A moving service can be as simple as renting a truck to help you transport all of your things. Or, you might hire people to carry your furniture and boxes inside your new home for you. Either way, you're likely going to need some help getting things to your new home.

3. Check on the New House

Before you leave your old home, you should look into your new home to make sure everything's safe and ready for you to move. If you haven't had it inspected yet, now is your chance to make sure everything is in order for you. Inspections can give you an excellent idea of what you should look out for and if there's anything you need to repair or replace.

If you're buying a house from a previous owner, consider hiring a cleaning service to go in and ensure your new home is squeaky clean when you arrive. Alternatively, you could stay in your current home a little longer and visit your new house periodically, cleaning as you do. Either way, make sure your new home is spotless when you plan to arrive with all of your belongings.

How to Create a Moving Timeline

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Planning a move can be stressful, and it can be challenging to know what you should start doing a certain number of weeks or months out. Moving processes are different for everyone. You may find a house right away, or you could be waiting with many boxes for ages.

Just know that you shouldn't postpone starting the moving process any later than eight weeks before you move so you can give yourself enough time to deal with everything in your home.

When you're furthest out from your moving date, start to declutter your home. That way, when you move boxes in, you won't have to worry about throwing out old items. Try to rent or obtain a storage unit that you can use to hold your boxes as you pack them. From there on, you should consider hiring movers or renting a truck to transport your belongings. Then, enjoy packing your house room by room.

Your moving timeline will look different from the usual, depending on how much time you have left before the move. Try to plan your budget ahead of time and list things you absolutely must do.

It might help to take your home room by room and see what furniture and items you need to pack and if you need to make any repairs before you leave. Once you finish your list, you can space your tasks out enough to give yourself the time to breathe between packing boxes rather than worrying about it all in one night.

Things You Absolutely Must Bring With You

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If you currently live in a large home, you might feel a little flustered when trying to remember all the things you need. One way or another, everything in your house will be coming with you on the move. Still, there are a few things you want to prioritize and know exactly where they're at.

1. Furniture

Unless you're planning on buying all-new furniture when you arrive at your new home, you need to take your existing furniture. Ensure all of your furniture has a spot in your new place. If not, you can sell the furniture before you leave or donate it for others to use. Don’t leave it behind for your buyer or landlord to deal with.

2. Important Documents

You should know where your most important documents are at all times. Don't take a chance by packing them in a box. Carry things like school transcripts, employment records, and personal information with you in a file folder so you can have it in your hands as you move. As you set foot in your new home, you can place these crucial documents in their new spot.

3. An Overnight Tote

Part of planning is knowing that you won't have the energy to dig through boxes for necessary items once you get to your new home and unload everything. Aim to pack at least an extra bag – though a tote box would be nice and allow you more room – with things you'll need your first night there, such as pajamas with a change of clothes and toiletries. You won't have to rip open every box looking for the things you need most and can spend your time unpacking.

Congratulations on Your Big Move

Moving homes is a huge accomplishment – very much worth all the stress that comes with it. There are a thousand moving guides to help make your life simpler, but nothing can truly prepare you for the rush of adrenaline and stress that come crashing down on you once you decide to move houses.

Still, it's an exciting process, and you shouldn't let your stress outweigh the possibilities of a fun future. By following checklists and keeping with your timeline, you can have a low-stress moving experience and get excited about all the fun you'll have in your new house.