
With spring comes spring cleaning and organization. No matter where you are or what kind of home you have, there are always new things you can bring into your spring routine when the change of season rolls around.


While each home is different and you might not need to do all of these things, keeping some of them in mind can ensure you’re happy with your dwelling at the change of the seasons.


Whether you just want to do some quick clean-up or you’re ready for a curb appeal boost you haven’t had time for yet, there are a few home maintenance projects that will go particularly well in the springtime. Here are just a few of those projects that you may want to check out.

1.   Clean the Gutters

While you don’t need to clean your gutters specifically in the spring, doing so at the start of spring can make sure there are no blockages.


This is especially helpful if you live in an area with a rainy season in the spring. If you cleaned them already in the fall, that might make it easier come springtime.

2.   Organize the Garage

Nobody wants to trek through a messy garage in the cold of winter, but once it starts to warm up, you might be itching to get things back in order again.


This project usually takes a bit of time if you’re embarking on it for the first time in a while, but it’s definitely worth the effort. Plus, you can explore storage options that make it easier going forward, like adding wall mounts and tool racks for easy access.

3.   Check Your Screens

With the springtime, bugs often come out of hiding, and they can make their way into your home if you aren’t careful. Check your screen doors and windows for any holes, and patch them up thoroughly so critters stay out where they belong.

4.   Schedule Air Conditioning Service

If your air conditioning needs a checkup or an update, getting it in the spring can make sure you’re ahead of schedule, so you can be ready when those hot days of late spring and early summer start to roll around.


If you know your system is old or it experienced issues the year before, calling a professional could be your best bet.

5.   Run Your Sprinkler System

Your lawn, plants, and garden deserve to flourish with the change of season. If you haven’t yet set up your sprinkler system and put the timer on it to run accordingly, you might want to start on it so you have one less thing to worry about.

Home Maintenance Tasks for the Spring

Taking care of your home means something different to everyone. But no matter what you need to do, getting started in the spring can make the season a happy and cheerful transition.


Whether you start your sprinklers or do some spring cleaning, brighter days are just around the corner. Which task is on the top of your list?

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