Several elements go into selling a home. If your house is older, you may consider renovating your home before selling it so that you can have a greater return on your investment. When you put more time and effort into your home, you may see that return once you sell it. By making renovations, large or small, you can help another family fall in love with your home.

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When Should You Renovate Your Home?

People who have never done significant renovations on their homes may not recognize when their homes need a little work. Renovations help you make the most of the home you love living in, so you may not see a need to renovate your home if you don’t plan on living in it much longer.

Still, consider renovating the house because it can add value to your property. Upgrading your kitchens and bathrooms is a great idea, as they’re the most popular targets for renovations and can level up the appearance of your home. If you’re still unsure, have a real estate agent assess your home for what it would be worth if you chose to renovate an area of the house.

You may also consider renovations if your home is far outdated. Renovating a space can help you see the potential in it. You can also rectify any damage or replace anything that doesn’t work well so that you won’t take a hit from a home inspection later in the selling process.

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Why Should You Renovate Your Home?

Renovating your home could increase its value. Whether you choose to do a complete makeover, like putting in a brand-new kitchen, or just touching up spots that need it, changing anything can add value to your home and make it sell for so much more — if done correctly.

People want a turnkey property — something they can move into and start their life with, avoiding fear of having to renovate or change something just a little way down the line. They want something ready to customize as their own, not to go through moving and then changing everything about the house.

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3 Easy Renovations for Any Home

Maybe you don’t want to commit to a large-scale renovation of one or many of the rooms in your home. Still, you can make your house more appealing to the market by touching it up in other small ways.

1. Paint Your Exterior

Houses dull over time, especially if they face the sun. Painting your home with a fresh, bold color can improve curb appeal and make your house stand out from the others in the neighborhood. Remember when choosing a color for your exterior that sunlight intensifies any color, so some super-bold colors could hurt people’s eyes. You should also check to see if the paint you plan to use works well for the type of exterior you have.

2. Refresh Old Flooring

Every floor has its pros and cons — meaning the floor you choose is up to your preferences. Just know that a floor that’s practical may not be the aesthetic that other people are going for. Hardwood floors are popular in many homes and can go with just about any form of decor. They can also be easier to take care of, and people are generally more fond of hardwood floors than carpet.

3. Change Your Color Palette

Certain colors can affect your mood, so they’re best left to specific areas of your home. For example, green both relaxes you and helps you concentrate, so it’s a great choice as a primary or accent color for an office space. You wouldn’t want something bold in a common area like the living room. In those spaces, you may find that neutral tones work better, so you can change out bold accent colors depending on how you’re feeling.

If any of your walls don’t match the vision you have for your home or appear too confusing to tell what the room is supposed to be, consider repainting them. You don’t even have to paint all four walls of a room — you can settle for an accent wall with a pop of color.

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Renovation Can Change the Game

Whether you choose to renovate a little or a lot, simply making the change can increase your home’s value. Improving upon spaces in your home can make it look more modern. Even if you merely replace kitchen appliances, you may find that the home inspection returns in your favor. Renovation before selling is always a good idea — even if it’s not on a large scale.

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