Some months, the expenses pile up and you aren’t sure where the extra costs come from. If you find money leaking out of your wallet every month, consider searching for issues with energy efficiency in your home. You can improve your energy efficiency and cut back on the money you spend every month by implementing both DIY and professional renovations.

1. Check Weatherstripping

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Weatherstripping is the strip that usually goes under doors and windows. They do a great deal to keep the unwanted weather out and preserve the climate you want inside your home. Still, as useful as weatherstripping is, it does crack and age over time. Check all your doors and windows for old weatherstripping — any new energy losses could be attributed to changes in the weatherstripping itself.

Once you’ve identified any problem areas, consider replacing the weatherstripping yourself. It’s a simple task that you can DIY on your own. Placing foam weatherstripping around the door is as simple as measuring and cutting it. You can complete the job in only a weekend.


2. Install New Windows

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Windows offer an interesting look into a home’s energy efficiency. With the wrong windows, a household could be looking at a 30% loss in heating and air conditioning. Older windows are more brittle and allow cold air in, so it’s easy to detect if you have a draft in the winter.

Ordering new windows might be all that you can do if you’ve had to seal them up before and find that your climate-controlled air still escapes. Plus, if you’ve renovated certain rooms in your house, you can match new windows to your new aesthetic. You may need to hire a professional to install new windows, but it could be a renovation worth your time to save you money.


3. Replace Large Appliances

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With any luck, your large household appliances will last you for years to come — but when was the last time you had them checked out to ensure they’re working properly and not wasting your energy? Appliances under five years old should be fine, but you should evaluate those over 10 years old to see if they save or lose energy every month. Things like dishwashers, refrigerators, washing machines, and more can be looked at critically and replaced with something newer and better.

The government doesn’t always set energy requirements for certain appliances and their energy use. Dryers also eat up a ton of power, so finding an energy-efficient replacement might be more difficult than you think. Still, Energy Star is a government tool that allows you to see the difference in energy efficiency between your current appliance model and others that can save you money while working as an upgrade.


4. Insulate Your Garage

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One area many people don’t think to check for energy loss is their garage. Plenty of crucial heat in the winter months could escape through the gaps in your garage door. With less air escaping, you’ll save money on heating and cooling your home.

If energy efficiency isn’t enough of a draw to insulate your garage, you may be interested in several additional benefits. Your garage door is bound to operate more quietly, thanks to the insulation strengthening the door and keeping it from shaking or getting damaged through repetitive use.

5. Improve Lighting Options

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The way you light your home says a lot about you and can affect your mood and performance.

LED lights are by far the most energy-efficient kind. They may be brighter and harsher than traditional lightbulbs, but you don’t have to use them in every room. They use 84% less energy than regular lightbulbs, and they illuminate every space, making them perfect for a location like a home office.

When working during the day, rely on natural light to motivate you to do your work rather than artificial lighting.


Energy-Efficient Homes Lead to Greater Savings

Renovations, whether big or small, can help your home save money. Even if you aren’t planning to leave your home anytime soon, renovations can improve your daily quality of life. You can save yourself money on your energy bills every month by moving toward energy-efficient improvements.

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