Saving our planet is about big changes that start small. Even though choosing an eco-friendly lifestyle may seem like a small, irrelevant step, it's a call for change. People can do a lot by committing to minor adaptions to their environment and being careful about what they do. One of these steps can include adapting your Florida home, so it uses less energy and creates less waste, thus protecting the environment and lowering your expenses. Here are the best eight ways to make your Miami home more eco-friendly and enjoy a healthier environment.

1.    Switch the bulbs

Even though there are items that spend far more energy than light bulbs, this is one of the ways to make your Miami home more eco-friendly. Switching to LED light bulbs can significantly reduce the amount of energy your household consumes. And by doing that, you will dramatically reduce your energy bills and protect the environment. Finally, LED bulbs will last longer, saving you money as well.

2.    Solar panels

One thing is for sure – Miami houses get a lot of sunshine. This makes a perfect environment for solar panel installation. Switching to renewable energy sources is undoubtedly one of the best ways to make your Miami home eco-friendly. You won't depend on fossil fuels but enjoy the most substantial advantage of living in Florida – beautiful weather and many sunny days over the year. Solar panels will save you a lot of money, last longer, and be a great source of energy that doesn’t hurt our environment. Finally, solar panels are a great addition if you plan to sell your Miami home soon. Buyers are more aware of such features now, so adding a more eco-friendly solution will make the sale faster.

Homes with solar panels sell faster in the Sunshine State. Solar panels on the roof to make your Miami home more eco-friendly

3.    Insulation

With all the sun shining in Florida, homes can get a bit hot. However, that’s not entirely a bad thing – you don’t need to worry about heating. Many homes in Florida don't have any heating system, and they don’t need it. However, when it comes to hot days, you’ll need some help to cool down your home. Insulation is a great way to reduce cooling costs and make your household more energy-efficient.

4.    Double-glazed windows

Another way to save energy in your home is to have your windows double-glazed. This air gap between the two layers of glass helps with the condensation, improves the insulation, and keeps the temperature right. New technologies make the windows look as good as the regular ones and save you money in the long run.

5.    Low-flow faucets

It's not surprising that most homes spend more water than they need to. That's why switching to the low-flow water sources in your home can be a great way to make it more eco-friendly. Low-flow faucets, showerheads, toilets, etc., are a great way to reduce your water bills and ensure your household is not a big water spender. Another great thing about low-flow installations is that this system doesn’t affect the pressure or performance, so there’s one more reason to go for it in your new Miami home.

Low-flow means low costs. Alt.tag: faucet dripping

6.    Choose eco-friendly paint

If you’re moving into a new home or think of renovating, there are great chances you’ll refresh the walls or maybe even some pieces of furniture. Nowadays, there are plenty of paint options on the market, so why choose potentially toxic and not environmentally friendly ones? Choosing a healthier option for the paint is even more critical if you have kids. Water-based paints are a much better choice, as well as the air-purifying ones. They trap harmful VOCs from the air and seal them in. Just be sure to avoid paint that is based on oil and has high levels of VOC content.

Extra tip: protect your furniture and other belongings from dust and damage during renovations by renting storage in Miami. A safe unit in the area will allow you to make space for all the work inside the house, and keep your items in a secure location. Moreover, you'll need less time to clean everything after the job is done.

There are all sorts of paint on the market – pick the ones that don’t hurt the environment. A person painting a wooden fence

7.    Clean toxic-free

Unfortunately, many products we use to clean our homes contain dangerous chemicals. They are often very toxic and also hurt the environment. You can make a significant change by implementing a relatively simple solution – choosing eco-friendly products to clean your home. You can even make certain products at home by mixing natural ingredients such as lemon juice, baking soda, or vinegar, or look for companies that make eco-friendly and safe products. Not everything you buy in a supermarket is safe, so it’s time to start reading labels and choose safe products for your home.

8.    Make your move eco-friendly

You can make your Miami home greener and even have a relocation that doesn’t hurt the environment. Choosing a local moving company will ensure that the team doesn’t go long-distance and spends a lot of gas to reach your new home. Experts from suggest hiring local moving companies for one more reason – they know the Miami area well, so you can have a faster, safer, and a lot easier relocation.

Eco-friendly lifestyle

Acquiring the right attitude is the first stepnecessary to make your Miami home more eco-friendly. Making your household more environmentally friendly is about creating a lifestyle that saves energy and produces less waste. So, it's important to make adaptations to your home, but it's equally essential to make small changes to your lifestyle and choose healthier options each day.

meta: Read about the best ways to make your Miami home more eco-friendly and how they can also reduce your maintenance costs.

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