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Should You Clean Your House Exterior Before You Sell?

Should You Clean Your House Exterior Before You Sell?

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First impressions matter everywhere. However, this is especially true in the real estate market. When you put your home on the market, potential buyers will first see its exterior. Making the outside of your home look as pleasant as possible is a good selling strategy, but it can also seem like a lot of effort. There are many things to consider: should you clean your house exterior or leave it as it is? Also, should you do it yourself or let the professionals handle it? We've covered these questions for you in the article below.

What are the benefits of cleaning your home's exterior?

Should you clean your house exterior before putting it on the market? Yes, absolutely. However, before you invest time and money in that project, you'll probably want to understand exactly why you're doing it. This way, it will make much more sense, and you'll be happier with your decision.

There's only one first impression

Everybody keeps talking about first impressions, and there's a good reason for that. They really are one of the most important aspects of a house sale. Polished exteriors will wow your potential buyers, and they'll be eager to step inside and see more of it. Plus, they'll be filled with positive emotions while touring your place, increasing your chance of a successful sale.  This is why you should never underestimate the power of a first impression and should try your best to make it a good one.

A person holding house keys in front of a door

Curb appeal can increase your selling price

Homebuyers in today's market are looking for more than simply a nice-looking residence in a good area. Buying a house only to spend a lot of additional time and money investing into it and fixing things up is hardly on anyone's list. Cleaning your home's exterior before putting it on the market means there's one less thing potential buyers need to worry about. Not only will they be more eager to buy your house, but you might even get a better deal. Paying some extra money in exchange for not having to deal with exterior maintenance is a no-brainer for many buyers.

What parts of your home should get cleaned?

Let's face it, cleaning the house's exterior is a very broad subject. There are some parts of each house's outside that are more prominent than others. You should pay special attention to getting those parts looking shiny and new, as it will bring the looks of your home to a whole new level.

The walls

Outside walls tend to get quite dirty, especially if you live in an area with dust. Sad-looking walls aren't good for attracting customers, so you should have them sorted out. While painting might seem like the only option you have, often, just cleaning the walls gets the job done. Powerwashing is your best option here. It's quick, and it will eliminate all the dust and grime on your walls.

The roof

Even though the walls are the first thing most people notice, we shouldn't forget about roof maintenance. Different types of algae can make homes for themselves on your roof over time, making it look really unappealing. Professionals at Peak Services Las Vegas suggest doing a complete roof and gutter clean-up as a part of your home sale preparations. A freshly cleaned roof will make your home seem brand new, which is a great selling point. Also, the owner will definitely appreciate not having to deal with roof maintenance for a while.

Good-looking roofs automatically make the house look more appealing

Driveway and sidewalks

These exterior areas often get overlooked when it comes to cleaning. A quick power wash can do wonders for them and get all the dirt out of all the small holes and cracks. While you're at it, consider doing some landscaping. Mowing your lawn and giving some love to your outdoor plants will have your home looking like it came straight out of a magazine.

Don’t forget to do some landscaping while you’re cleaning the sidewalks

What options do you have when it comes to cleaning?

Once you decide to clean your house exterior before the sale, another question arises: who should do the actual cleaning? Usually, there are two options: you can do it yourself, with help from friends and family, or you can hire professional cleaners.

Cleaning the exteriors by yourself

Cleaning the house exterior on your own has its benefits. First, it's significantly cheaper than hiring someone else to do it. Nowadays, you can rent high-pressure powerwash machines, so owning one isn't necessary. Also, you can do it in your free time, without making arrangements with other people. This is very convenient for those with busy schedules.

However, keep in mind that this approach is generally more time-consuming. Also, consider the size of your home: you can probably get by on your own if it isn't too big. However, cleaning larger houses generally requires professional assistance.

Hiring professional help

The main benefit of hiring professional cleaners for your exterior maintenance is that they're very quick. A team of pros will have your house sale-ready in just a few days. This is very little compared to the weeks it could take you if you decide to do it on your own. Also, they're called professionals for a reason; there is very little room for error, and the process will likely go smoothly.

On the other hand, professional cleaning services will cost you a bit more money. The prices depend on the square footage of your home, so you'll need to discuss that with the contractors first. Even though professional cleaning is a bit of an investment, it usually pays off multiple times once you sell the house. This is why we strongly recommend you consider it.


Selling your house can be a tiresome process, as there are many things to deal with. Taking some time to make your house look as attractive as possible will increase your chances of selling fast and at a good price. The exteriors of your home are no exception to this. When it comes to the question, "Should you clean your house exterior before you sell your home?" the answer is yes. It is not that big of an investment, and it can make a huge difference in the sales process.

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