How To Make Your Rental Property More Eco-Friendly

Owning a rental property comes with a lot of responsibilities. Landlords need to keep up with the maintenance of their buildings to ensure the safety of their tenants and retain the value of their investments. Ideally, every landlord should go the extra mile and consider the environment with each decision they make. Here’s how to make your rental property more eco-friendly.

Install a Smart HVAC System

Thermostats that don’t allow for user adjustments can be huge energy wasters. Don’t leave your rental property in the past—while you’re performing regular maintenance, take the time to install some upgrades.

There are numerous benefits associated with smart HVAC systems. You can install a programmable thermostat your tenants can easily adjust—possibly with a smartphone—which will save you money and energy usage. Plus, the thermostat will learn the preferences of the tenant over time, meaning it will self-adjust based on the time of day and general usage patterns.

Invest in Water-Saving Showerheads

It’s not uncommon for landlords to deal with high water bills for their rental properties. Between the showers, dishwashers, sinks, and washing machines, those bills are bound to reflect a pricey number. Landlords could ask their tenants to monitor their water usage and shorten their showers, but this isn’t a suggestion they can enforce.

Make things easier for everyone and install water-saving showerheads in every unit. This will help reduce the monthly utility bill.

Organize the Trash Room

Reducing waste and making the dumpster last longer is crucial for any rental property. To help with waste reduction, you can create a trash room that categorizes every piece of waste. Designate one bin for recyclable items, another for landfill waste, and one more for large items.

Try to determine the categories based on what you commonly see thrown out by your residents. This strategy will also encourage them to separate their items before bringing their refuse to the trash room. You can provide your tenants with tips and advice so they know which items are recyclable and which ones are strictly trash.

Insulate the Property

Upgrading to a smart thermostat won’t help much if the heat and cool air heavily seep out of the building. Drafts and temperature fluctuations only force the HVAC system to work harder than necessary to keep the property in comfortable living conditions, increasing the amount of energy used.

Proper insulation is an effective way to retain that air and reduce overall power consumption, which will help lower tenants’ electric bills. Simply put, insulation is an easy and cost-effective solution for making your property more efficient.

Making your rental property more eco-friendly is ultimately beneficial for your business, your tenants, and the environment. Take these steps to get your building on the right track.


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