Do You Believe These Real Estate Superstitions?

The home buying and selling journey is a massive undertaking for anyone. It takes plenty of time, expertise, negotiation, patience, and sometimes, even a little bit of luck. And as far as luck goes, many follow these superstitions still, even when it comes to real estate. And ...

7 Critical Steps to Take After Your House Is Damaged by Storm
The damage a storm causes to your home can leave you feeling lost and devastated. Concerns about securing your family's safety, restoring your property, and getting your life back together can be completely overwhelming. And with destructive storms becoming more and more common, it pays to ...
5 Rookie Mistakes To Avoid When DIY Painting Your House
Adding a fresh coat of paint is one of the cheapest and easiest ways to give your home the makeover it deserves. It breathes new life into your space, no matter if you're painting the interior or exterior of your home.Whether you are a typical homeowner who wants to refresh your space or a ...
6 Mistakes to Avoid When Buying Furniture for Your New Home
Selecting and buying furniture for your beautiful abode, whether it be a sofa, dining table or any other piece, is no doubt fun and exciting. Especially if you're a first-time homeowner who finally has the liberty to choose whatever furniture you want to fill your private space with. But ...
5 Cleaning Habits You Need To Break for Better Housekeeping
Cleaning is tough, but it's something we need to do consistently to take care of our humble abode. Not to mention it’s a crucial task to keep our family and home safe in this pandemic age. But since it’s a tedious job, we’re often guilty of cutting corners to do it ...
The Rise of Multigenerational Living and the Challenges That Come With It
A multigenerational household is typically made up of aging parents, their adult children, and their teenage or young grandchildren. This setup has seen a steady rise in recent years, with over 64 million Americans living and sharing a multigenerational household, according to a 2018 Pew ...
7 Safety Tips to Prevent Kitchen Fires This Thanksgiving Holiday
We may have been cooking more at home ever since the COVID-19 pandemic hit, but the days leading to the Thanksgiving holiday are when most of us will spend the entire day in the kitchen preparing and cooking everything—from the glorious turkey, to potatoes, pumpkin pies, and any other ...

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